Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Different Drummer (Book about Ronald Reagan)

This is a book about Ronald Reagan. I've just bought this book and have scanned some pages - and I liked the parts I've read. This was written by Michael K. Deaver - a close friend of President Reagan.

One part of the book that caught my attention was where it stated there that he was shy - and during social gatherings, he was found mostly talking to the regular folks. I find this quite interesting - I would have thought a man of his stature would be rubbing elbows with the more important folks in the crowd.

There were also parts of the book that stated (in essence) his spontaneity during interviews - which were not part of what his staff prepared. I understand from my reading that some people may have undermined President Reagan's natural ability in such matters - and putting all the credit to his staff. For the author, the staff then did not make Ronald Reagan - instead, Ronald Reagan made them.

I can't wait to finish the rest of the book. "A Different Drummer" My Thirty Years with Ronald Reagan by Michael K. Deaver.

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